“Just to find yourself sitting in a Golden Cage"- The Whitest Boy Alive

I live in a Golden Cage, as do you... probably. I wouldn't want to stereotype you as one who lives in a Golden Cage, because I've never met you, and that would be wrong. Everyone does it though, the stereotyping I mean. Anyhow, those who do live in this Golden Cage have grown used to its comfort, to its beautiful, golden bliss, to its shine. They breathe in it, they sleep in it, they eat in it. They live in it without even knowing it's there. A Golden Cage is a perfectly wonderful place to be. It's golden while the rest of the world is not.

I live in the urban jungle that is Mexico City, one of the largest cities in the world. Population: 24 million. Distribution of wealth: shockingly unfair. 40% of its people live below the poverty line with only 11% of the riches. These are the children who beg on the streets, and the parents who tell them to. Then there's the lucky minority. The minority that receives a great education, lives in a beautiful home, has the opportunity to achieve their goals, and owns their own small, personalized golden cage. I form a part of this minority. I live in a Golden Cage. A cage that has blinded me from the hardships of those around me and one that has kept me from reading the news or from creating change.

If you are still reading this, you must be worried about the Golden Cage you're in. There is no key, and no one can hand it to you, but slowly, slowly if you pay attention, if you do your part, if you leave your "comfort zone", you will see past the golden bars around you, and your Golden Cage will start to fade. Here's where the photographs, entries, and guerrilla art in this blog comes in. I photograph to learn to see, and all the photographs below are taken by me as an effort to escape my golden cage. Art is all around us, and by stopping to look at something that someone else has left behind, or by creating something of your own for someone else to find, you are slowly, but surely, erasing your Golden Cage. This is what this blog is about.

Once the gold has lost its shine, and you can to some degree see past those golden bars, only then will you have the power to make change.

The Morning News
Digital SLR
Alina Aksiyote ©

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